这篇文章主要是从源码的级别来看Raft算法的实现。在网上找到了一个简化版:源码. 一个Server结构代表Raft网络中的一个节点。节点会创建一个Server,并且通过端(peers)接口的方式暴露给其他节点。 传输层采用http包装,端对端通信通过rest http方式。

|http transport| ---> |peers| ---> |server|





  • leader选举
  • 日志复制
  • 单元测试
  • http 传输层
  • 配置变更

除此之外,还有一些是未完成的 - net/rpc 传输层或者其他类型的传输层 - 日志压缩 - 快照安装以及恢复 - 完整的demo应用 - 一些比较复杂的测试用例 具体细节,看下面的代码分析。



├── README.md
├── configuration.go // 配置
├── example_test.go // demo
├── log.go // 日志
├── log_test.go // 日志测试模块
├── peers.go // 端
├── peers_test.go // 端模块
├── rpc.go // rpc 对象模块
├── server.go //  server模块
├── server_internals_test.go // server内部测试模块
├── server_test.go //  server测试模块
├── transport.go // 传输层
└── transport_test.go // 传输层模块



// 日志追加
type appendEntriesTuple struct {
        // 日志追加请求
       	Request  appendEntries 
       	// 应答通道
       	Response chan appendEntriesResponse 
// 投票选举
type requestVoteTuple struct {
        // 选举内容
       	Request  requestVote 
       	// 选举结构应答
       	Response chan requestVoteResponse

// appendEntries represents an appendEntries RPC.
// 日志追加-实体
type appendEntries struct {
        // 任期号
       	Term         uint64     `json:"term"` 
   	    // leader 标识
       	LeaderID     uint64     `json:"leader_id"` 
   	    // 前一个日志索引
       	PrevLogIndex uint64     `json:"prev_log_index"` 
       	// 前一个日志任期号
       	PrevLogTerm  uint64     `json:"prev_log_term"` 
       	// 要追加的实体数组-支持批量追加
       	Entries      []logEntry `json:"entries"` 
       	// 已经committed的缩影
       	CommitIndex  uint64     `json:"commit_index"` 

// appendEntriesResponse represents the response to an appendEntries RPC.
// 日志追加应答
type appendEntriesResponse struct {
        // 应答节点的任期号
       	Term    uint64 `json:"term"` 
       	// 是否追加成功
       	Success bool   `json:"success"` 
       	// 失败的原因
       	reason  string 

// requestVote represents a requestVote RPC.
// 投票请求实体
type requestVote struct {
         // 发起者的任期号 
       	Term         uint64 `json:"term"`
   	    // 发起者的id
       	CandidateID  uint64 `json:"candidate_id"`
   	    // 发起者的最新条目
       	LastLogIndex uint64 `json:"last_log_index"`
   	    // 发起者的最新任期号
       	LastLogTerm  uint64 `json:"last_log_term"`

// requestVoteResponse represents the response to a requestVote RPC.
// 投票应答
type requestVoteResponse struct {
        // 应答者任期号
       	Term        uint64 `json:"term"`
   	    // 应答结果,true赞同,false反对
       	VoteGranted bool   `json:"vote_granted"`
        // 反对原因
       	reason      string


var (
        // 任期号太小
       	errTermTooSmall    = errors.New("term too small")
       	// 日志索引太小
       	errIndexTooSmall   = errors.New("index too small")
       	// 日志缩影太大
       	errIndexTooBig     = errors.New("commit index too big")
       	// 日志条目内容已损坏
       	errInvalidChecksum = errors.New("invalid checksum")
	   // 无效的命令
       	errNoCommand       = errors.New("no command")
       	// 错误的日志索引
       	errBadIndex        = errors.New("bad index")
       	// 错误任期号
       	errBadTerm         = errors.New("bad term")
// 日志结构
type raftLog struct {
        // 日志读写锁
       	// 日志存储接口
       	store     io.Writer
   	    // 日志镜像,现在存储于内存
       	entries   []logEntry
       	// 下一条日志commit索引
       	commitPos int
       	// "操作"的回调函数,这个函数比较重要,可以"操作集合"镜像,
       	// 在快照时,只需要将"结果"快到存储层即可
       	apply     func(uint64, []byte) []byte

func newRaftLog(store io.ReadWriter, apply func(uint64, []byte) []byte) *raftLog {
       	l := &raftLog{
       		store:     store,
       		entries:   []logEntry{},
       		commitPos: -1, // no commits to begin with
       		apply:     apply,
       	return l

// recover reads from the log's store, to populate the log with log entries
// from persistent storage. It should be called once, at log instantiation.
// 日志恢复,当服务重启时,重建日志条目(一般重建都是居于于快照和日志的,可是这里没有实现快照,所以从日志中重建即可)
// 1、这里的日志时commited之后的日志,所以重建时,commitPos也会更新
// 2、重建日志条目,会调用apply函数,对日志进行处理,这个函数相当于"状态机"功能;如果有快照(相当于Redis 的RDB),先将安装快照,再恢复日志(相当于Redis 的aof)
func (l *raftLog) recover(r io.Reader) error {
       	for {
       		var entry logEntry
       		switch err := entry.decode(r); err {
       		case io.EOF:
       			return nil // successful completion
       		case nil:
       			if err := l.appendEntry(entry); err != nil {
       				return err
       			l.apply(entry.Index, entry.Command)
       			return err // unsuccessful completion

// entriesAfter returns a slice of log entries after (i.e. not including) the
// passed index, and the term of the log entry specified by index, as a
// convenience to the caller. (This function is only used by a leader attempting
// to flush log entries to its followers.)
// This function is called to populate an AppendEntries RPC. That implies they
// are destined for a follower, which implies the application of the commands
// should have the response thrown away, which implies we shouldn't pass a
// commandResponse channel (see: commitTo implementation). In the normal case,
// the raftLogEntries we return here will get serialized as they pass thru their
// transport, and lose their commandResponse channel anyway. But in the case of
// a LocalPeer (or equivalent) this doesn't happen. So, we must make sure to
// proactively strip commandResponse channels.
// 检索index之后的日志条目
func (l *raftLog) entriesAfter(index uint64) ([]logEntry, uint64) {
       	defer l.RUnlock()

  		// 1.检索出index对应term以及在实体集合entries中的位置Pos
       	pos := 0
       	lastTerm := uint64(0)
       	for ; pos < len(l.entries); pos++ {
       		if l.entries[pos].Index > index {
       		lastTerm = l.entries[pos].Term

       	a := l.entries[pos:]
       	if len(a) == 0 {
       		return []logEntry{}, lastTerm
		// 除去command Response channel
       	return stripResponseChannels(a), lastTerm

func stripResponseChannels(a []logEntry) []logEntry {
       	stripped := make([]logEntry, len(a))
       	for i, entry := range a {
       		stripped[i] = logEntry{
       			Index:           entry.Index,
       			Term:            entry.Term,
       			Command:         entry.Command,
       			commandResponse: nil,
       	return stripped

// contains returns true if a log entry with the given index and term exists in
// the log.
// 判断是够包含{term, index}条目
func (l *raftLog) contains(index, term uint64) bool {
       	defer l.RUnlock()

       	// It's not necessarily true that l.entries[i] has index == i.
       	for _, entry := range l.entries {
       		if entry.Index == index && entry.Term == term {
       			return true
       		if entry.Index > index || entry.Term > term {
       	return false

// 判断{term, index}是否为最新的日志条目,如果是,则将则将在其之后的日志清理掉,
// 这个条目应该在[commit_index, last_index]范围内
func (l *raftLog) ensureLastIs(index, term uint64) error {
       	defer l.Unlock()

       	// Taken loosely from benbjohnson's impl

       	if index < l.getCommitIndexWithLock() {
       		return errIndexTooSmall

       	if index > l.lastIndexWithLock() {
       		return errIndexTooBig

       	// It's possible that the passed index is 0. It means the leader has come to
       	// decide we need a complete log rebuild. Of course, that's only valid if we
       	// haven't committed anything, so this check comes after that one.
  		// 全部重建,前提是没有commited过任何的条目
       	if index == 0 {
       		for pos := 0; pos < len(l.entries); pos++ {
       			if l.entries[pos].commandResponse != nil {
       				l.entries[pos].commandResponse = nil
       			if l.entries[pos].committed != nil {
       				l.entries[pos].committed <- false
       				l.entries[pos].committed = nil
       		l.entries = []logEntry{}
       		return nil

       	// Normal case: find the position of the matching log entry.
       	pos := 0
       	for ; pos < len(l.entries); pos++ {
       		if l.entries[pos].Index < index {
       			continue // didn't find it yet
       		if l.entries[pos].Index > index {
       			return errBadIndex // somehow went past it
       		if l.entries[pos].Index != index {
       			panic("not <, not >, but somehow !=")
       		if l.entries[pos].Term != term {
       			return errBadTerm
       		break // good

       	// Sanity check.
        // ? 怎么可能出现这种情况?
       	if pos < l.commitPos {
       		panic("index >= commitIndex, but pos < commitPos")

       	// `pos` is the position of log entry matching index and term.
       	// We want to truncate everything after that.
  		// 应为{term, index}是最新的了,所以将在其之后的所有条目给cut掉
       	truncateFrom := pos + 1
       	if truncateFrom >= len(l.entries) {
       		return nil // nothing to truncate

       	// If we blow away log entries that haven't yet sent responses to clients,
       	// signal the clients to stop waiting, by closing the channel without a
       	// response value.
       	for pos = truncateFrom; pos < len(l.entries); pos++ {
       		if l.entries[pos].commandResponse != nil {
       			l.entries[pos].commandResponse = nil
       		if l.entries[pos].committed != nil {
       			l.entries[pos].committed <- false
       			l.entries[pos].committed = nil

       	// Truncate the log.
       	l.entries = l.entries[:truncateFrom]

       	// Done.
       	return nil

// getCommitIndex returns the commit index of the log. That is, the index of the
// last log entry which can be considered committed.
// 获取最新的commited日志条目
func (l *raftLog) getCommitIndex() uint64 {
       	defer l.RUnlock()
       	return l.getCommitIndexWithLock()

// 获取最新的日志条目
func (l *raftLog) getCommitIndexWithLock() uint64 {
       	if l.commitPos < 0 {
       		return 0
       	if l.commitPos >= len(l.entries) {
       		panic(fmt.Sprintf("commitPos %d > len(l.entries) %d; bad bookkeeping in raftLog", l.commitPos, len(l.entries)))
       	return l.entries[l.commitPos].Index

// lastIndex returns the index of the most recent log entry.
func (l *raftLog) lastIndex() uint64 {
       	defer l.RUnlock()
       	return l.lastIndexWithLock()

func (l *raftLog) lastIndexWithLock() uint64 {
       	if len(l.entries) <= 0 {
       		return 0
       	return l.entries[len(l.entries)-1].Index

// lastTerm returns the term of the most recent log entry.
func (l *raftLog) lastTerm() uint64 {
       	defer l.RUnlock()
       	return l.lastTermWithLock()

func (l *raftLog) lastTermWithLock() uint64 {
       	if len(l.entries) <= 0 {
       		return 0
       	return l.entries[len(l.entries)-1].Term

// appendEntry appends the passed log entry to the log. It will return an error
// if the entry's term is smaller than the log's most recent term, or if the
// entry's index is too small relative to the log's most recent entry.
// 追加日志,注意此时还没有commit该条目
func (l *raftLog) appendEntry(entry logEntry) error {
       	defer l.Unlock()
  		// 判定{entry.term, entry.index} > {last_term, last_index}
       	if len(l.entries) > 0 {
       		lastTerm := l.lastTermWithLock()
       		if entry.Term < lastTerm {
       			return errTermTooSmall
       		lastIndex := l.lastIndexWithLock()
       		if entry.Term == lastTerm && entry.Index <= lastIndex {
       			return errIndexTooSmall

       	l.entries = append(l.entries, entry)
       	return nil

// commitTo commits all log entries up to and including the passed commitIndex.
// Commit means: synchronize the log entry to persistent storage, and call the
// state machine apply function for the log entry's command.
// 注意:
// 1、commit是一个后端任务,再此并没有"1/2"确认的概念(实际上是不是这样呢,这得去参考raft的论文了)
// 2、apply函数是在commit过程中调用,而不是在append的时候调用
// 3、apply相当于状态机函数,一般用户会将这些操作结果保存起来,用于快照

// 比如,想实现一个kv存储,那么用户只要将kv相关的逻辑植入这个函数即可

// committed <= commitIndex <= last_index
func (l *raftLog) commitTo(commitIndex uint64) error {
       	if commitIndex == 0 {

       	defer l.Unlock()

       	// Reject old commit indexes
       	if commitIndex < l.getCommitIndexWithLock() {
       		return errIndexTooSmall

       	// Reject new commit indexes
       	if commitIndex > l.lastIndexWithLock() {
       		return errIndexTooBig

       	// If we've already committed to the commitIndex, great!
       	if commitIndex == l.getCommitIndexWithLock() {
       		return nil

       	// We should start committing at precisely the last commitPos + 1
       	pos := l.commitPos + 1
       	if pos < 0 {
       		panic("pending commit pos < 0")

       	// Commit entries between our existing commit index and the passed index.
       	// Remember to include the passed index.
       	for {
       		// Sanity checks. TODO replace with plain `for` when this is stable.
       		if pos >= len(l.entries) {
       			panic(fmt.Sprintf("commitTo pos=%d advanced past all log entries (%d)", pos, len(l.entries)))
       		if l.entries[pos].Index > commitIndex {
       			panic("commitTo advanced past the desired commitIndex")

       		// Encode the entry to persistent storage.
       		if err := l.entries[pos].encode(l.store); err != nil {
       			return err

       		// Forward non-configuration commands to the state machine.
       		// Send the responses to the waiting client, if applicable.
       		// 如果不是配置类型的Log,则调用apply function
       		// 配置类型的Log,在其他地方处理
       		if !l.entries[pos].isConfiguration {
       			resp := l.apply(l.entries[pos].Index, l.entries[pos].Command)
       			if l.entries[pos].commandResponse != nil {
       				select {
       				case l.entries[pos].commandResponse <- resp:
				    // 问什么选取这个时间???
       				case <-time.After(maximumElectionTimeout()): // << ElectionInterval
       					panic("uncoöperative command response receiver")
       				l.entries[pos].commandResponse = nil

       		// Signal the entry has been committed, if applicable.
       		if l.entries[pos].committed != nil {
       			l.entries[pos].committed <- true
       			l.entries[pos].committed = nil

       		// Mark our commit position cursor.
       		l.commitPos = pos

       		// If that was the last one, we're done.
       		if l.entries[pos].Index == commitIndex {
       		if l.entries[pos].Index > commitIndex {
       				"current entry Index %d is beyond our desired commitIndex %d",

       		// Otherwise, advance!

       	// Done.
       	return nil

// logEntry is the atomic unit being managed by the distributed log. A log entry
// always has an index (monotonically increasing), a term in which the Raft
// network leader first sees the entry, and a command. The command is what gets
// executed against the node state machine when the log entry is successfully
// replicated.
type logEntry struct {
  		// 日志索引号
       	Index           uint64        `json:"index"`
       	// 任期号
  		Term            uint64        `json:"term"` // when received by leader
  		// 日志内容
       	Command         []byte        `json:"command,omitempty"`
  		// commited 通道
       	committed       chan bool     `json:"-"`
  		// 命令应答 通道
       	commandResponse chan<- []byte `json:"-"` // only non-nil on receiver's log
  		// 日志类型标示
       	isConfiguration bool          `json:"-"` // for configuration change entries

// encode serializes the log entry to the passed io.Writer.
// Entries are serialized in a simple binary format:
//     		 ---------------------------------------------
//     		| uint32 | uint64 | uint64 | uint32 | []byte  |
//     		 ---------------------------------------------
//     		| CRC    | TERM   | INDEX  | SIZE   | COMMAND |
//     		 ---------------------------------------------

// 序列化,大端
func (e *logEntry) encode(w io.Writer) error {
       	if len(e.Command) <= 0 {
       		return errNoCommand
       	if e.Index <= 0 {
       		return errBadIndex
       	if e.Term <= 0 {
       		return errBadTerm

       	commandSize := len(e.Command)
       	buf := make([]byte, 24+commandSize)

       	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[4:12], e.Term)
       	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[12:20], e.Index)
       	binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[20:24], uint32(commandSize))

       	copy(buf[24:], e.Command)


       	_, err := w.Write(buf)
       	return err

// 反序列化
// decode deserializes one log entry from the passed io.Reader.
func (e *logEntry) decode(r io.Reader) error {
       	header := make([]byte, 24)

       	if _, err := r.Read(header); err != nil {
       		return err

       	command := make([]byte, binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(header[20:24]))

       	if _, err := r.Read(command); err != nil {
       		return err

       	crc := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(header[:4])

       	check := crc32.NewIEEE()

       	if crc != check.Sum32() {
       		return errInvalidChecksum

       	e.Term = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(header[4:12])
       	e.Index = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(header[12:20])
       	e.Command = command

       	return nil


var (
	errTimeout = errors.New("timeout")
// peers为节点的一个抽象,对外提供了一些访问接口,
// 需要注意的地方是peers的序列化
type Peer interface {
  	// 返回server标示
	id() uint64
  	// 日志追加接口
	callAppendEntries(appendEntries) appendEntriesResponse
  	// 投票选举接口
	callRequestVote(requestVote) requestVoteResponse
  	// 命令调用
	callCommand([]byte, chan<- []byte) error
  	// 集群配置变化接口
	callSetConfiguration(...Peer) error

// localPeer is the simplest kind of peer, mapped to a server in the
// same process-space. Useful for testing and demonstration; not so
// useful for networks of independent processes.
// 本地local peers,用于测试,不用经过网络
type localPeer struct {
	server *Server

func newLocalPeer(server *Server) *localPeer { return &localPeer{server} }

func (p *localPeer) id() uint64 { return p.server.id }

// 追加日志
func (p *localPeer) callAppendEntries(ae appendEntries) appendEntriesResponse {
	return p.server.appendEntries(ae)

// 投票选举
func (p *localPeer) callRequestVote(rv requestVote) requestVoteResponse {
	return p.server.requestVote(rv)

// 命令
// 实际调用为Leader
func (p *localPeer) callCommand(cmd []byte, response chan<- []byte) error {
	return p.server.Command(cmd, response)

// 设置配置
func (p *localPeer) callSetConfiguration(peers ...Peer) error {
	return p.server.SetConfiguration(peers...)

// requestVoteTimeout issues the requestVote to the given peer.
// If no response is received before timeout, an error is returned.
// 投票
func requestVoteTimeout(p Peer, rv requestVote, timeout time.Duration) (requestVoteResponse, error) {
	c := make(chan requestVoteResponse, 1)
	go func() { c <- p.callRequestVote(rv) }()

	select {
	case resp := <-c:
		return resp, nil
	case <-time.After(timeout):
		return requestVoteResponse{}, errTimeout

// peerMap is a collection of Peer interfaces. It provides some convenience
// functions for actions that should apply to multiple Peers.
type peerMap map[uint64]Peer

// makePeerMap constructs a peerMap from a list of peers.
func makePeerMap(peers ...Peer) peerMap {
	pm := peerMap{}
	for _, peer := range peers {
		pm[peer.id()] = peer
	return pm

// explodePeerMap converts a peerMap into a slice of peers.
func explodePeerMap(pm peerMap) []Peer {
	a := []Peer{}
	for _, peer := range pm {
		a = append(a, peer)
	return a

func (pm peerMap) except(id uint64) peerMap {
	except := peerMap{}
	for id0, peer := range pm {
		if id0 == id {
		except[id0] = peer
	return except

func (pm peerMap) count() int { return len(pm) }

// 法定人数
func (pm peerMap) quorum() int {
	switch n := len(pm); n {
	case 0, 1:
		return 1
		return (n / 2) + 1

// requestVotes sends the passed requestVote RPC to every peer in Peers. It
// forwards responses along the returned requestVoteResponse channel. It makes
// the RPCs with a timeout of BroadcastInterval * 2 (chosen arbitrarily). Peers
// that don't respond within the timeout are retried forever. The retry loop
// stops only when all peers have responded, or a Cancel signal is sent via the
// returned canceler.
func (pm peerMap) requestVotes(r requestVote) (chan voteResponseTuple, canceler) {
	// "[A server entering the candidate stage] issues requestVote RPCs in
	// parallel to each of the other servers in the cluster. If the candidate
	// receives no response for an RPC, it reissues the RPC repeatedly until a
	// response arrives or the election concludes."

	// construct the channels we'll return
	abortChan := make(chan struct{})
	tupleChan := make(chan voteResponseTuple)

	go func() {
		// We loop until all Peers have given us a response.
		// Track which Peers have responded.
		respondedAlready := peerMap{} // none yet

		for {
			notYetResponded := disjoint(pm, respondedAlready)
			if len(notYetResponded) <= 0 {
				return // done

			// scatter
			tupleChan0 := make(chan voteResponseTuple, len(notYetResponded))
			for id, peer := range notYetResponded {
				go func(id uint64, peer Peer) {
					resp, err := requestVoteTimeout(peer, r, 2*maximumElectionTimeout())
					tupleChan0 <- voteResponseTuple{id, resp, err}
				}(id, peer)

			// gather
			for i := 0; i < cap(tupleChan0); i++ {
				select {
				case t := <-tupleChan0:
					if t.err != nil {
						continue // will need to retry
					respondedAlready[t.id] = nil // set membership semantics
					tupleChan <- t

				case <-abortChan:
					return // give up

	return tupleChan, cancel(abortChan)

// 选举应答
type voteResponseTuple struct {
	id       uint64
	response requestVoteResponse
	err      error

type canceler interface {

type cancel chan struct{}

func (c cancel) Cancel() { close(c) }

// 过滤peers
func disjoint(all, except peerMap) peerMap {
	d := peerMap{}
	for id, peer := range all {
		if _, ok := except[id]; ok {
		d[id] = peer
	return d




// 角色分类  
const (
	follower  = "Follower"
	candidate = "Candidate"
	leader    = "Leader"

const (
	unknownLeader = 0
	noVote        = 0

// 选举时间随机范围[MinimumElectionTimeoutMS, maximumElectionTimeoutMS]
var (
	MinimumElectionTimeoutMS int32 = 250

	maximumElectionTimeoutMS = 2 * MinimumElectionTimeoutMS

var (
	errNotLeader             = errors.New("not the leader")
	errUnknownLeader         = errors.New("unknown leader")
	errDeposed               = errors.New("deposed during replication")
	errAppendE#008000ntriesRejected = errors.New("appendEntries RPC rejected")
	errReplicationFailed     = errors.New("command replication failed (but will keep retrying)")
	errOutOfSync             = errors.New("out of sync")
	errAlreadyRunning        = errors.New("already running")

// 重置选举时间
func resetElectionTimeoutMS(newMin, newMax int) (int, int) {
	oldMin := atomic.LoadInt32(&MinimumElectionTimeoutMS)
	oldMax := atomic.LoadInt32(&maximumElectionTimeoutMS)
	atomic.StoreInt32(&MinimumElectionTimeoutMS, int32(newMin))
	atomic.StoreInt32(&maximumElectionTimeoutMS, int32(newMax))
	return int(oldMin), int(oldMax)

// minimumElectionTimeout returns the current minimum election timeout.
func minimumElectionTimeout() time.Duration {
	return time.Duration(MinimumElectionTimeoutMS) * time.Millisecond

// maximumElectionTimeout returns the current maximum election time.
func maximumElectionTimeout() time.Duration {
	return time.Duration(maximumElectionTimeoutMS) * time.Millisecond

// 选举时间随机函数
func electionTimeout() time.Duration {
	n := rand.Intn(int(maximumElectionTimeoutMS - MinimumElectionTimeoutMS))
	d := int(MinimumElectionTimeoutMS) + n
	return time.Duration(d) * time.Millisecond

// broadcastInterval returns the interval between heartbeats (AppendEntry RPCs)
// broadcast from the leader. It is the minimum election timeout / 10, as
// dictated by the spec: BroadcastInterval << ElectionTimeout << MTBF.
// 广播时间,用于Leader发送心跳广播,这个时间应小于选举时间;否则,非Leader节点会产生选举操作
func broadcastInterval() time.Duration {
	d := MinimumElectionTimeoutMS / 10
	return time.Duration(d) * time.Millisecond

// protectedString is just a string protected by a mutex.
type protectedString struct {
	value string

func (s *protectedString) Get() string {
	defer s.RUnlock()
	return s.value

func (s *protectedString) Set(value string) {
	defer s.Unlock()
	s.value = value

// protectedBool is just a bool protected by a mutex.
type protectedBool struct {
	value bool

func (s *protectedBool) Get() bool {
	defer s.RUnlock()
	return s.value

func (s *protectedBool) Set(value bool) {
	defer s.Unlock()
	s.value = value

// Server is the agent that performs all of the Raft protocol logic.
// In a typical application, each running process that wants to be part of
// the distributed state machine will contain a server component.
type Server struct {
	id      uint64 // id of this server
    // 节点状态
	state   *protectedString
    // 节点运行状态
	running *protectedBool
    // Leader节点标示
	leader  uint64 
    // 当前节点任期号
	term    uint64 // "current term number, which increases monotonically"
    // 0表示,当前节点还有投出自己的票;
    // 非零表示节点已经投票了,值是获票者的标示ID
	vote    uint64 // who we voted for this term, if applicable
	log     *raftLog
	config  *configuration

    // 追加日志信道
	appendEntriesChan chan appendEntriesTuple
  	// 投票信道
	requestVoteChan   chan requestVoteTuple
  	// 命令信道
	commandChan       chan commandTuple
  	// 配置修改信道
	configurationChan chan configurationTuple

  	// 选举信道
	electionTick <-chan time.Time
  	// 退出信道
	quit         chan chan struct{}

// 状态机函数
// 该函数不可并发执行,否则就达不到一致性状态机的效果(执行时间不要超过选举时间)

// 正常来说,只有"共识"达成的时候,才会调用该函数,然后返回给客户端
// 但是,在这里为了简化实现,"共识“算法是放在后台任务操作的,客户端发送命令单Leader时,Leader马上
// 应答客户端,并没有等”共识算法“的共识结果
type ApplyFunc func(commitIndex uint64, cmd []byte) []byte

// 初始化节点
// 1. 构建日志 2.初始化为"follower"角色 3.leader为"unknown"
func NewServer(id uint64, store io.ReadWriter, a ApplyFunc) *Server {
	if id <= 0 {
		panic("server id must be > 0")

	// 5.2 Leader election: "the latest term this server has seen is persisted,
	// and is initialized to 0 on first boot."
	log := newRaftLog(store, a)
	latestTerm := log.lastTerm()

	s := &Server{
		id:      id,
		state:   &protectedString{value: follower}, // "when servers start up they begin as followers"
		running: &protectedBool{value: false},
		leader:  unknownLeader, // unknown at startup
		log:     log,
		term:    latestTerm,
		config:  newConfiguration(peerMap{}),

		appendEntriesChan: make(chan appendEntriesTuple),
		requestVoteChan:   make(chan requestVoteTuple),
		commandChan:       make(chan commandTuple),
		configurationChan: make(chan configurationTuple),

		electionTick: nil,
		quit:         make(chan chan struct{}),
	return s

type configurationTuple struct {
	Peers []Peer
	Err   chan error

// 设置配置
// 1. 服务启动时,先设置配置
// 2. 集群变更时,设置配置
func (s *Server) SetConfiguration(peers ...Peer) error {
    // 节点刚启动
	if !s.running.Get() {
		return nil

	err := make(chan error)
    // 节点已经启动了
	s.configurationChan <- configurationTuple{peers, err}
	return <-err

// Start triggers the server to begin communicating with its peers.
func (s *Server) Start() {
	go s.loop()

// Stop terminates the server. Stopped servers should not be restarted.
func (s *Server) Stop() {
	q := make(chan struct{})
	s.quit <- q
	s.logGeneric("server stopped")

// 命令元组
type commandTuple struct {
  	// 命令内容
	Command         []byte
  	// 命令信道
	CommandResponse chan<- []byte
	Err             chan error

// 命令接口
func (s *Server) Command(cmd []byte, response chan<- []byte) error {
	err := make(chan error)
	s.commandChan <- commandTuple{cmd, response, err}
	return <-err

// 日志追加
func (s *Server) appendEntries(ae appendEntries) appendEntriesResponse {
	t := appendEntriesTuple{
		Request:  ae,
		Response: make(chan appendEntriesResponse),
	s.appendEntriesChan <- t
	return <-t.Response

// 投票
func (s *Server) requestVote(rv requestVote) requestVoteResponse {
	t := requestVoteTuple{
		Request:  rv,
		Response: make(chan requestVoteResponse),
	s.requestVoteChan <- t
	return <-t.Response

//                                  times out,
//                                 new election
//     |                             .-----.
//     |                             |     |
//     v         times out,          |     v     receives votes from
// +----------+  starts election  +-----------+  majority of servers  +--------+
// | Follower |------------------>| Candidate |---------------------->| Leader |
// +----------+                   +-----------+                       +--------+
//     ^ ^                              |                                 |
//     | |    discovers current leader  |                                 |
//     | |                 or new term  |                                 |
//     | '------------------------------'                                 |
//     |                                                                  |
//     |                               discovers server with higher term  |
//     '------------------------------------------------------------------'

func (s *Server) loop() {
	for s.running.Get() {
		switch state := s.state.Get(); state {
		case follower:
		case candidate:
		case leader:
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown Server State '%s'", state))

func (s *Server) resetElectionTimeout() {
	s.electionTick = time.NewTimer(electionTimeout()).C

func (s *Server) logGeneric(format string, args ...interface{}) {
	prefix := fmt.Sprintf("id=%d term=%d state=%s: ", s.id, s.term, s.state.Get())
	log.Printf(prefix+format, args...)

func (s *Server) logAppendEntriesResponse(req appendEntries, resp appendEntriesResponse, stepDown bool) {
		"got appendEntries, sz=%d leader=%d prevIndex/Term=%d/%d commitIndex=%d: responded with success=%v (reason='%s') stepDown=%v",

func (s *Server) logRequestVoteResponse(req requestVote, resp requestVoteResponse, stepDown bool) {
		"got RequestVote, candidate=%d: responded with granted=%v (reason='%s') stepDown=%v",

func (s *Server) handleQuit(q chan struct{}) {
	s.logGeneric("got quit signal")

// 命令转发
// 如果当前节点不是Leader节点,并且已存在Leader节点,则其会以"代理“的角色,将命令转发至Leader节点
func (s *Server) forwardCommand(t commandTuple) {
	switch s.leader {
	case unknownLeader:
		s.logGeneric("got command, but don't know leader")
		t.Err <- errUnknownLeader

	case s.id: // I am the leader
		panic("impossible state in forwardCommand")

		leader, ok := s.config.get(s.leader)
		if !ok {
			panic("invalid state in peers")
		s.logGeneric("got command, forwarding to leader (%d)", s.leader)
		// We're blocking our {follower,candidate}Select function in the
		// receive-command branch. If we continue to block while forwarding
		// the command, the leader won't be able to get a response from us!
		go func() { t.Err <- leader.callCommand(t.Command, t.CommandResponse) }()

// 配置变更
// 转发规则和命令转发一样
func (s *Server) forwardConfiguration(t configurationTuple) {
	switch s.leader {
	case unknownLeader:
		s.logGeneric("got configuration, but don't know leader")
		t.Err <- errUnknownLeader

	case s.id: // I am the leader
		panic("impossible state in forwardConfiguration")

		leader, ok := s.config.get(s.leader)
		if !ok {
			panic("invalid state in peers")
		s.logGeneric("got configuration, forwarding to leader (%d)", s.leader)
		go func() { t.Err <- leader.callSetConfiguration(t.Peers...) }()

// follower 节点逻辑
func (s *Server) followerSelect() {
	for {
		select {
		case q := <-s.quit:
		// 命令转发
		case t := <-s.commandChan:
		// 集群变更转发
		case t := <-s.configurationChan:
		// Leader选举
		case <-s.electionTick:
			// 5.2 Leader election: "A follower increments its current term and
			// transitions to candidate state."
			if s.config == nil {
				s.logGeneric("election timeout, but no configuration: ignoring")
			s.logGeneric("election timeout, becoming candidate")
          	// 提高自己的任期号
          	// 投票置为空
			s.vote = noVote
          	// Leader 
			s.leader = unknownLeader
          	// 设置节点角色为"候选人"
          	// 重置选举时间,防止马上再次出发选举
        // 日志追加(除了客户端请求,leader的心跳也会出发这个行为)
		case t := <-s.appendEntriesChan:
			if s.leader == unknownLeader {
				s.leader = t.Request.LeaderID
				s.logGeneric("discovered Leader %d", s.leader)
          	// 处理日志最佳操作
			resp, stepDown := s.handleAppendEntries(t.Request)
			s.logAppendEntriesResponse(t.Request, resp, stepDown)
			t.Response <- resp
          	// 如果节点已经脱离了当前的集群,需要跟新Leader地址
			if stepDown {
				// stepDown as a Follower means just to reset the leader
				if s.leader != unknownLeader {
					s.logGeneric("abandoning old leader=%d", s.leader)
				s.logGeneric("following new leader=%d", t.Request.LeaderID)
				s.leader = t.Request.LeaderID
		// 选举
		case t := <-s.requestVoteChan:
          	// 选举处理
			resp, stepDown := s.handleRequestVote(t.Request)
			s.logRequestVoteResponse(t.Request, resp, stepDown)
			t.Response <- resp
          	// 如果落后于当前节点了,把当前的Leader修改为"unkownleader",等待讯据成功后,进行切换
			if stepDown {
				// stepDown as a Follower means just to reset the leader
				if s.leader != unknownLeader {
					s.logGeneric("abandoning old leader=%d", s.leader)
				s.logGeneric("new leader unknown")
				s.leader = unknownLeader

// 候选状态
func (s *Server) candidateSelect() {
	if s.leader != unknownLeader {
		panic("known leader when entering candidateSelect")
	if s.vote != 0 {
		panic("existing vote when entering candidateSelect")

	// "[A server entering the candidate stage] issues requestVote RPCs in
	// parallel to each of the other servers in the cluster. If the candidate
	// receives no response for an RPC, it reissues the RPC repeatedly until a
	// response arrives or the election concludes."
	// 发起选举RPC
	requestVoteResponses, canceler := s.config.allPeers().except(s.id).requestVotes(requestVote{
		Term:         s.term,
		CandidateID:  s.id,
		LastLogIndex: s.log.lastIndex(),
		LastLogTerm:  s.log.lastTerm(),
	defer canceler.Cancel()

	// Set up vote tallies (plus, vote for myself)
	votes := map[uint64]bool{s.id: true}
	s.vote = s.id
	s.logGeneric("term=%d election started (configuration state %s)", s.term, s.config.state)

	// 如果已经达到了选举“共识”,则成功选举
	if s.config.pass(votes) {
		s.logGeneric("I immediately won the election")
		s.leader = s.id
		s.vote = noVote

	// "A candidate continues in this state until one of three things happens:
	// (a) it wins the election, (b) another server establishes itself as
	// leader, or (c) a period of time goes by with no winner."
	for {
		select {
		case q := <-s.quit:
		// 命令转发
		case t := <-s.commandChan:
		// 配置更新转发,注意和Leader的不同
		case t := <-s.configurationChan:
		// 收到选举的应答
		case t := <-requestVoteResponses:
			s.logGeneric("got vote: id=%d term=%d granted=%v", t.id, t.response.Term, t.response.VoteGranted)
			// "A candidate wins the election if it receives votes from a
			// majority of servers in the full cluster for the same term."
          	// 本节点落后于其他几点
			if t.response.Term > s.term {
				s.logGeneric("got vote from future term (%d>%d); abandoning election", t.response.Term, s.term)
				s.leader = unknownLeader
				s.vote = noVote
				return // lose
          	// 收到了"落后"当前节点的应答,忽略掉它
			if t.response.Term < s.term {
				s.logGeneric("got vote from past term (%d<%d); ignoring", t.response.Term, s.term)
          	// 收到赞同票
			if t.response.VoteGranted {
				s.logGeneric("%d voted for me", t.id)
				votes[t.id] = true
			// "Once a candidate wins an election, it becomes leader."
          	// “共识”达成
			if s.config.pass(votes) {
				s.logGeneric("I won the election")
				s.leader = s.id
				s.vote = noVote
				return // win
          // 收到日志追加(在这里,心跳也当做日志追加的方式发送)
		case t := <-s.appendEntriesChan:
			// "While waiting for votes, a candidate may receive an
			// appendEntries RPC from another server claiming to be leader.
			// If the leader's term (included in its RPC) is at least as
			// large as the candidate's current term, then the candidate
			// recognizes the leader as legitimate and steps down, meaning
			// that it returns to follower state."
            // 处理日志
			resp, stepDown := s.handleAppendEntries(t.Request)
			s.logAppendEntriesResponse(t.Request, resp, stepDown)
			t.Response <- resp
          	// candidate节点落后于Leader节点
			if stepDown {
				s.logGeneric("after an appendEntries, stepping down to Follower (leader=%d)", t.Request.LeaderID)
				s.leader = t.Request.LeaderID
				return // lose

        // 虽然当前节点是candidate节点,但集群中此时可能存在多个candidate节点
		case t := <-s.requestVoteChan:
			// We can also be defeated by a more recent candidate
			resp, stepDown := s.handleRequestVote(t.Request)
			s.logRequestVoteResponse(t.Request, resp, stepDown)
			t.Response <- resp
			if stepDown {
              	// 当前candidate节点落后于集群中已存在的candidate节点,将自己的角色变为follower,
              	// 并且也会投赞同票
				s.logGeneric("after a requestVote, stepping down to Follower (leader unknown)")
				s.leader = unknownLeader
				return // lose
        // 选举
		case <-s.electionTick:
			// "The third possible outcome is that a candidate neither wins nor
			// loses the election: if many followers become candidates at the
			// same time, votes could be split so that no candidate obtains a
			// majority. When this happens, each candidate will start a new
			// election by incrementing its term and initiating another round of
			// requestVote RPCs."
			s.logGeneric("election ended with no winner; incrementing term and trying again")
			s.vote = noVote
			return // draw

// Leader 保存的Follower节点的所有最新同步条目
type nextIndex struct {
	m map[uint64]uint64 // followerId: nextIndex

func newNextIndex(pm peerMap, defaultNextIndex uint64) *nextIndex {
	ni := &nextIndex{
		m: map[uint64]uint64{},
	for id := range pm {
		ni.m[id] = defaultNextIndex
	return ni

// 找出已经同步Follower的最小日志
func (ni *nextIndex) bestIndex() uint64 {
	defer ni.RUnlock()

	if len(ni.m) <= 0 {
		return 0

	i := uint64(math.MaxUint64)
	for _, nextIndex := range ni.m {
		if nextIndex < i {
			i = nextIndex
	return i

// 返回节点(id)最新的同步日志
func (ni *nextIndex) prevLogIndex(id uint64) uint64 {
	defer ni.RUnlock()
	if _, ok := ni.m[id]; !ok {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("peer %d not found", id))
	return ni.m[id]

// 自减节点(id)的最新同步日志,用于同步失败时的回滚
func (ni *nextIndex) decrement(id uint64, prev uint64) (uint64, error) {
	defer ni.Unlock()

	i, ok := ni.m[id]
	if !ok {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("peer %d not found", id))

	if i != prev {
		return i, errOutOfSync

	if i > 0 {
	return ni.m[id], nil

// 更新节点(id)的同步日志
func (ni *nextIndex) set(id, index, prev uint64) (uint64, error) {
	defer ni.Unlock()

	i, ok := ni.m[id]
	if !ok {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("peer %d not found", id))
	if i != prev {
		return i, errOutOfSync

	ni.m[id] = index
	return index, nil

// 心跳、复制命令都会用到该函数,flush是同步的,如果对端节点不可达,则阻塞
func (s *Server) flush(peer Peer, ni *nextIndex) error {
	peerID := peer.id()
	// Leader的任期号
	currentTerm := s.term
	// 节点(peer)的最新同步索引
	prevLogIndex := ni.prevLogIndex(peerID)
	// 检索出peers节点落后于Leader几点的日志条目,然后进行同步
	entries, prevLogTerm := s.log.entriesAfter(prevLogIndex)
	// 获取Leader committed的最新索引
	commitIndex := s.log.getCommitIndex()
	s.logGeneric("flush to %d: term=%d leaderId=%d prevLogIndex/Term=%d/%d sz=%d commitIndex=%d", peerID, currentTerm, s.id, prevLogIndex, prevLogTerm, len(entries), commitIndex)
	// 日志追加RPC
	resp := peer.callAppendEntries(appendEntries{
		Term:         currentTerm,
		LeaderID:     s.id,
		PrevLogIndex: prevLogIndex,
		PrevLogTerm:  prevLogTerm,
		Entries:      entries,
		CommitIndex:  commitIndex,

	if resp.Term > currentTerm {
		// 应答的节点比当前节点的任期号大,当前的Leader被罢免
		s.logGeneric("flush to %d: responseTerm=%d > currentTerm=%d: deposed", peerID, resp.Term, currentTerm)
		return errDeposed

	if !resp.Success {
		// 应答失败,可能是leader RPC等待超时,或者出现了网络错误(包括脑裂),回滚
		newPrevLogIndex, err := ni.decrement(peerID, prevLogIndex)
		if err != nil {
			s.logGeneric("flush to %d: while decrementing prevLogIndex: %s", peerID, err)
			return err
		s.logGeneric("flush to %d: rejected; prevLogIndex(%d) becomes %d", peerID, peerID, newPrevLogIndex)
		return errAppendEntriesRejected

	if len(entries) > 0 {
		// 复制成功,更新同步状态
		newPrevLogIndex, err := ni.set(peer.id(), entries[len(entries)-1].Index, prevLogIndex)
		if err != nil {
			s.logGeneric("flush to %d: while moving prevLogIndex forward: %s", peerID, err)
			return err
		s.logGeneric("flush to %d: accepted; prevLogIndex(%d) becomes %d", peerID, peerID, newPrevLogIndex)
		return nil

	s.logGeneric("flush to %d: accepted; prevLogIndex(%d) remains %d", peerID, peerID, ni.prevLogIndex(peerID))
	return nil

// Leader并发同步日志
func (s *Server) concurrentFlush(pm peerMap, ni *nextIndex, timeout time.Duration) (int, bool) {
	type tuple struct {
		id  uint64
		err error
	responses := make(chan tuple, len(pm))
	for _, peer := range pm {
		go func(peer Peer) {
			errChan := make(chan error, 1)
			go func() { errChan <- s.flush(peer, ni) }()
			go func() { time.Sleep(timeout); errChan <- errTimeout }()
			responses <- tuple{peer.id(), <-errChan} // first responder wins

	successes, stepDown := 0, false
	for i := 0; i < cap(responses); i++ {
		switch t := <-responses; t.err {
		case nil:
			s.logGeneric("concurrentFlush: peer %d: OK (prevLogIndex(%d)=%d)", t.id, t.id, ni.prevLogIndex(t.id))
		case errDeposed:
			// 当前的Leder节点落后于其他节点
			s.logGeneric("concurrentFlush: peer %d: deposed!", t.id)
			stepDown = true
			s.logGeneric("concurrentFlush: peer %d: %s (prevLogIndex(%d)=%d)", t.id, t.err, t.id, ni.prevLogIndex(t.id))
			// nothing to do but log and continue
	return successes, stepDown

// 作为Leader角色运行
func (s *Server) leaderSelect() {
	if s.leader != s.id {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("leader (%d) not me (%d) when entering leaderSelect", s.leader, s.id))
	if s.vote != 0 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("vote (%d) not zero when entering leaderSelect", s.leader))

	// 5.3 Log replication: "The leader maintains a nextIndex for each follower,
	// which is the index of the next log entry the leader will send to that
	// follower. When a leader first comes to power it initializes all nextIndex
	// values to the index just after the last one in its log."
	// I changed this from lastIndex+1 to simply lastIndex. Every initial
	// communication from leader to follower was being rejected and we were
	// doing the decrement. This was just annoying, except if you manage to
	// sneak in a command before the first heartbeat. Then, it will never get
	// properly replicated (it seemed).
	// Leader为每个Follower保存了最新的同步日志索引
	ni := newNextIndex(s.config.allPeers().except(s.id), s.log.lastIndex()) // +1)

	flush := make(chan struct{})
	heartbeat := time.NewTicker(broadcastInterval())
	defer heartbeat.Stop()
	go func() {
      	// 发送心跳,除了检测心跳外,还有防止Follower发送选举
		for _ = range heartbeat.C {
			flush <- struct{}{}

	for {
		select {
		case q := <-s.quit:
		// 收到命令
		case t := <-s.commandChan:
			// Append the command to our (leader) log
			s.logGeneric("got command, appending")
			currentTerm := s.term
			entry := logEntry{
				Index:           s.log.lastIndex() + 1,
				Term:            currentTerm,
				Command:         t.Command,
				commandResponse: t.CommandResponse,
          	// 追加日志
			if err := s.log.appendEntry(entry); err != nil {
				t.Err <- err
				"after append, commitIndex=%d lastIndex=%d lastTerm=%d",

			// Now that the entry is in the log, we can fall back to the
			// normal flushing mechanism to attempt to replicate the entry
			// and advance the commit index. We trigger a manual flush as a
			// convenience, so our caller might get a response a bit sooner.
          	// 这里将日志同步放到了同步队列就返回给客户端了,正常来说,需要"共识"达成才返回给客户端
			go func() { flush <- struct{}{} }()
			t.Err <- nil
        // 收到配置变更
		case t := <-s.configurationChan:
			// Attempt to change our local configuration
			if err := s.config.changeTo(makePeerMap(t.Peers...)); err != nil {
				t.Err <- err

			// Serialize the local (C_old,new) configuration
			encodedConfiguration, err := s.config.encode()
			if err != nil {
				t.Err <- err

			// We're gonna write+replicate that config via log mechanisms.
			// Prepare the on-commit callback.
			entry := logEntry{
				Index:           s.log.lastIndex() + 1,
				Term:            s.term,
				Command:         encodedConfiguration,
				isConfiguration: true,
				committed:       make(chan bool),
			go func() {
              	// 当日志被commited时,committed将被回调
				committed := <-entry.committed
				if !committed {
             	// 日志被committed了,说明其他节点都应用了最新的配置,所以当前的节点配置也需要更新
				if _, ok := s.config.allPeers()[s.id]; !ok {
                  	// 当前节点已被新集群剔除
					s.logGeneric("leader expelled; shutting down")
					q := make(chan struct{})
					s.quit <- q
                  	// 节点已退出
          	// 日志追加
			if err := s.log.appendEntry(entry); err != nil {
				t.Err <- err

		case <-flush:
          	// 获取需要同步的节点
			recipients := s.config.allPeers().except(s.id)

			// Special case: network of 1
			if len(recipients) <= 0 {
				ourLastIndex := s.log.lastIndex()
				if ourLastIndex > 0 {
					if err := s.log.commitTo(ourLastIndex); err != nil {
						s.logGeneric("commitTo(%d): %s", ourLastIndex, err)
					s.logGeneric("after commitTo(%d), commitIndex=%d", ourLastIndex, s.log.getCommitIndex())

			// Normal case: network of at-least-2
          	// 并发同步日志
			successes, stepDown := s.concurrentFlush(recipients, ni, 2*broadcastInterval())
			if stepDown {
              	// 节点已被卸任
				s.logGeneric("deposed during flush")
				s.leader = unknownLeader

			// Only when we know all followers accepted the flush can we
			// consider incrementing commitIndex and pushing out another
			// round of flushes.
			if successes == len(recipients) {
              	// 最小被同步的Index
				peersBestIndex := ni.bestIndex()
				ourLastIndex := s.log.lastIndex()
				ourCommitIndex := s.log.getCommitIndex()
				if peersBestIndex > ourLastIndex {
					// safety check: we've probably been deposed
					s.logGeneric("peers' best index %d > our lastIndex %d", peersBestIndex, ourLastIndex)
					s.logGeneric("this is crazy, I'm gonna become a follower")
					s.leader = unknownLeader
					s.vote = noVote
				if peersBestIndex > ourCommitIndex {
					// committed Leader Index
                  	if err := s.log.commitTo(peersBestIndex); err != nil {
						s.logGeneric("commitTo(%d): %s", peersBestIndex, err)
                      	// 比如某个Follower在同步Index时失败了,
						continue // oh well, next time?
					if s.log.getCommitIndex() > ourCommitIndex {
						// 继续同步日志
						s.logGeneric("after commitTo(%d), commitIndex=%d -- queueing another flush", peersBestIndex, s.log.getCommitIndex())
						go func() { flush <- struct{}{} }()
		// 追加日志, 正常来说,Leader节点是不会受到该命令的,出现这种的可能是集群存在一个新的Leader节点,这命令就是该Leader发送过来的
		case t := <-s.appendEntriesChan:
			resp, stepDown := s.handleAppendEntries(t.Request)
			s.logAppendEntriesResponse(t.Request, resp, stepDown)
			t.Response <- resp
			if stepDown {
				s.logGeneric("after an appendEntries, deposed to Follower (leader=%d)", t.Request.LeaderID)
				s.leader = t.Request.LeaderID
				return // deposed
		// 受到投票请求
		case t := <-s.requestVoteChan:
			resp, stepDown := s.handleRequestVote(t.Request)
			s.logRequestVoteResponse(t.Request, resp, stepDown)
			t.Response <- resp
			if stepDown {
				s.logGeneric("after a requestVote, deposed to Follower (leader unknown)")
				s.leader = unknownLeader
				return // deposed

// handleRequestVote will modify s.term and s.vote, but nothing else.
// stepDown means you need to: s.leader=unknownLeader, s.state.Set(Follower).
// 处理投票
// 可能会修改s.term和s.vote 的值; stepDown意味着需要设置s.leader = unkownLeader, s.state.Set(Follower)
func (s *Server) handleRequestVote(rv requestVote) (requestVoteResponse, bool) {
	// Spec is ambiguous here; basing this (loosely!) on benbjohnson's impl

	// If the request is from an old term, reject
	if rv.Term < s.term {
		return requestVoteResponse{
			Term:        s.term,
			VoteGranted: false,
			reason:      fmt.Sprintf("Term %d < %d", rv.Term, s.term),
		}, false

	// If the request is from a newer term, reset our state
	stepDown := false
	if rv.Term > s.term {
		// 本地节点落后于集群的其他节点,需要更新一下自己的任期号
		s.logGeneric("requestVote from newer term (%d): we defer", rv.Term)
		s.term = rv.Term
		s.vote = noVote
		s.leader = unknownLeader
		stepDown = true

	// Special case: if we're the leader, and we haven't been deposed by a more
	// recent term, then we should always deny the vote
	if s.state.Get() == leader && !stepDown {
		// 如果本地节点是Leader,并且又不落后于req 节点,则投反对票
		return requestVoteResponse{
			Term:        s.term,
			VoteGranted: false,
			reason:      "already the leader",
		}, stepDown

	// If we've already voted for someone else this term, reject
	// 如果已经投过票,则投失败票
	if s.vote != 0 && s.vote != rv.CandidateID {
		if stepDown {
			panic("impossible state in handleRequestVote")
		return requestVoteResponse{
			Term:        s.term,
			VoteGranted: false,
			reason:      fmt.Sprintf("already cast vote for %d", s.vote),
		}, stepDown

	// If the candidate log isn't at least as recent as ours, reject
	if s.log.lastIndex() > rv.LastLogIndex || s.log.lastTerm() > rv.LastLogTerm {
		return requestVoteResponse{
			Term:        s.term,
			VoteGranted: false,
			reason: fmt.Sprintf(
				"our index/term %d/%d > %d/%d",
		}, stepDown

	// We passed all the tests: cast vote in favor
	s.vote = rv.CandidateID
	return requestVoteResponse{
		Term:        s.term,
		VoteGranted: true,
	}, stepDown

// handleAppendEntries will modify s.term and s.vote, but nothing else.
// stepDown means you need to: s.leader=r.LeaderID, s.state.Set(Follower).
// 追加日志,需要注意的是,handleAppendEntries也会修改s.term和s.vote
// stepDown也会修改s.Leader, s,state
// 需要注意的是,本地节点的state不同时,其行为也是不用的
func (s *Server) handleAppendEntries(r appendEntries) (appendEntriesResponse, bool) {
	// Spec is ambiguous here; basing this on benbjohnson's impl

	// Maybe a nicer way to handle this is to define explicit handler functions
	// for each Server state. Then, we won't try to hide too much logic (i.e.
	// too many protocol rules) in one code path.

	// If the request is from an old term, reject
	if r.Term < s.term {
		return appendEntriesResponse{
			Term:    s.term,
			Success: false,
			reason:  fmt.Sprintf("Term %d < %d", r.Term, s.term),
		}, false

	// If the request is from a newer term, reset our state
	stepDown := false
	if r.Term > s.term {
		s.term = r.Term
		s.vote = noVote
		stepDown = true

	// Special case for candidates: "While waiting for votes, a candidate may
	// receive an appendEntries RPC from another server claiming to be leader.
	// If the leader’s term (included in its RPC) is at least as large as the
	// candidate’s current term, then the candidate recognizes the leader as
	// legitimate and steps down, meaning that it returns to follower state."
	if s.state.Get() == candidate && r.LeaderID != s.leader && r.Term >= s.term {
		s.term = r.Term
		s.vote = noVote
		stepDown = true

	// In any case, reset our election timeout

	// Reject if log doesn't contain a matching previous entry
	// 如果{PreLogIndex, PreLogTerm} 不是最新的条目,则失败
	// [{1, 2},{1, 3},		{1,4},{1,5},{1,6}] => {1,5} => [{1, 2},{1, 3},		{1,4},{1,5}]
	if err := s.log.ensureLastIs(r.PrevLogIndex, r.PrevLogTerm); err != nil {
		return appendEntriesResponse{
			Term:    s.term,
			Success: false,
			reason: fmt.Sprintf(
				"while ensuring last log entry had index=%d term=%d: error: %s",
		}, stepDown

	// Process the entries
	for i, entry := range r.Entries {
		// Configuration changes requre special preprocessing
		var pm peerMap
		// 处理配置
		if entry.isConfiguration {
			commandBuf := bytes.NewBuffer(entry.Command)
			if err := gob.NewDecoder(commandBuf).Decode(&pm); err != nil {
				panic("gob decode of peers failed")

			if s.state.Get() == leader {
				// TODO should we instead just ignore this entry?
				return appendEntriesResponse{
					Term:    s.term,
					Success: false,
					reason: fmt.Sprintf(
						"AppendEntry %d/%d failed (configuration): %s",
						"Leader shouldn't receive configurations via appendEntries",
				}, stepDown

			// Expulsion recognition
			if _, ok := pm[s.id]; !ok {
				entry.committed = make(chan bool)
				go func() {
					if <-entry.committed {
						s.logGeneric("non-leader expelled; shutting down")
						q := make(chan struct{})
						s.quit <- q

		// Append entry to the log
		if err := s.log.appendEntry(entry); err != nil {
			return appendEntriesResponse{
				Term:    s.term,
				Success: false,
				reason: fmt.Sprintf(
					"AppendEntry %d/%d failed: %s",
			}, stepDown

		// "Once a given server adds the new configuration entry to its log, it
		// uses that configuration for all future decisions (it does not wait
		// for the entry to become committed)."
		if entry.isConfiguration {
			if err := s.config.directSet(pm); err != nil {
				return appendEntriesResponse{
					Term:    s.term,
					Success: false,
					reason: fmt.Sprintf(
						"AppendEntry %d/%d failed (configuration): %s",
				}, stepDown

	// Commit up to the commit index.
	// < ptrb> ongardie: if the new leader sends a 0-entry appendEntries
	//  with lastIndex=5 commitIndex=4, to a follower that has lastIndex=5
	//  commitIndex=5 -- in my impl, this fails, because commitIndex is too
	//  small. shouldn't be?
	// <@ongardie> ptrb: i don't think that should fail
	// <@ongardie> there are 4 ways an appendEntries request can fail: (1)
	//  network drops packet (2) caller has stale term (3) would leave gap in
	//  the recipient's log (4) term of entry preceding the new entries doesn't
	//  match the term at the same index on the recipient
	// 出现这种情况的原因可能是本地节点运行到committed逻辑的时候出现了问题,或者说应答给Leader时,网络出现了问题等等。
	// 这些情况都会造成数据不同步的情况,也就是本地节点的commiitted情况和Leader节点保存的Follower(本地节点)不一致
	if r.CommitIndex > 0 && r.CommitIndex > s.log.getCommitIndex() {
		if err := s.log.commitTo(r.CommitIndex); err != nil {
			return appendEntriesResponse{
				Term:    s.term,
				Success: false,
				reason:  fmt.Sprintf("CommitTo(%d) failed: %s", r.CommitIndex, err),
			}, stepDown

	// all good
	return appendEntriesResponse{
		Term:    s.term,
		Success: true,
	}, stepDown


var (
       	errConfigurationAlreadyChanging = errors.New("configuration already changing")

const (
       	cOld    = "C_old"
       	cOldNew = "C_old,new"

// configuration represents the sets of peers and behaviors required to
// implement joint-consensus.
type configuration struct {
       	state     string
       	// 老配置
       	cOldPeers peerMap
       	// 新配置-》用于过度
       	cNewPeers peerMap

// newConfiguration returns a new configuration in stable (C_old) state based
// on the passed peers.
func newConfiguration(pm peerMap) *configuration {
       	return &configuration{
       		state:     cOld, // start in a stable state,
       		cOldPeers: pm,   // with only C_old

// directSet is used when bootstrapping, and when receiving a replicated
// configuration from a leader. It directly sets the configuration to the
// passed peers. It's assumed this is called on a non-leader, and therefore
// requires no consistency dance.
// 配置变更
func (c *configuration) directSet(pm peerMap) error {
       	defer c.Unlock()

       	c.cOldPeers = pm
       	c.cNewPeers = peerMap{}
       	c.state = cOld
       	return nil

func (c *configuration) get(id uint64) (Peer, bool) {
       	defer c.RUnlock()

       	if peer, ok := c.cOldPeers[id]; ok {
       		return peer, true
       	if peer, ok := c.cNewPeers[id]; ok {
       		return peer, true
       	return nil, false

func (c *configuration) encode() ([]byte, error) {
       	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
       	if err := gob.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(c.allPeers()); err != nil {
       		return []byte{}, err
       	return buf.Bytes(), nil

// allPeers returns the union set of all peers in the configuration.
func (c *configuration) allPeers() peerMap {
       	defer c.RUnlock()

       	union := peerMap{}
       	for id, peer := range c.cOldPeers {
       		union[id] = peer
       	for id, peer := range c.cNewPeers {
       		union[id] = peer
       	return union

// pass returns true if the votes represented by the votes map are sufficient
// to constitute a quorum. pass respects C_old,new requirements, which dictate
// that any request must receive a majority from both C_old and C_new to pass.
// 共识判断
func (c *configuration) pass(votes map[uint64]bool) bool {
       	defer c.RUnlock()

       	// Count the votes
       	cOldHave, cOldRequired := 0, c.cOldPeers.quorum()
       	for id := range c.cOldPeers {
       		if votes[id] {
       		if cOldHave >= cOldRequired {

       	// If we've already failed, we can stop here
       	if cOldHave < cOldRequired {
       		return false

       	// C_old passes: if we're in C_old, we pass
       	if c.state == cOld {
       		return true

       	// Not in C_old, so make sure we have some peers in C_new
       	if len(c.cNewPeers) <= 0 {
       		panic(fmt.Sprintf("configuration state '%s', but no C_new peers", c.state))

       	// Since we're in C_old,new, we need to also pass C_new to pass overall.
       	// It's important that we range through C_new and check our votes map, and
       	// not the other way around: if a server casts a vote but doesn't exist in
       	// a particular configuration, that vote should not be counted.
       	cNewHave, cNewRequired := 0, c.cNewPeers.quorum()
       	for id := range c.cNewPeers {
       		if votes[id] {
       		if cNewHave >= cNewRequired {

       	return cNewHave >= cNewRequired

// 配置变更准备, prepare-change
func (c *configuration) changeTo(pm peerMap) error {
       	defer c.Unlock()

       	if c.state != cOld {
       		return errConfigurationAlreadyChanging

       	if len(c.cNewPeers) > 0 {
       		panic(fmt.Sprintf("configuration ChangeTo in state '%s', but have C_new peers already", c.state))

       	c.cNewPeers = pm
       	c.state = cOldNew
       	return nil

// 提交变更逻辑
func (c *configuration) changeCommitted() {
       	defer c.Unlock()

       	if c.state != cOldNew {
       		panic("configuration ChangeCommitted, but not in C_old,new")

       	if len(c.cNewPeers) <= 0 {
       		panic("configuration ChangeCommitted, but C_new peers are empty")

       	c.cOldPeers = c.cNewPeers
       	c.cNewPeers = peerMap{}
       	c.state = cOld

// 中断变更
func (c *configuration) changeAborted() {
       	defer c.Unlock()

       	if c.state != cOldNew {
       		panic("configuration ChangeAborted, but not in C_old,new")

       	c.cNewPeers = peerMap{}
       	c.state = cOld


package main

import (


func main() {
       	a := func(idx uint64, cmd []byte) []byte {
       		fmt.Printf("%d, apply function: %s\n", idx, cmd)
       		return cmd

       	mustParseURL := func(rawURL string) *url.URL {
       		u, _ := url.Parse(rawURL)
       		u.Path = ""
       		return u
       	mustNewHTTPPeer := func(u *url.URL) raft.Peer {
       		p, err := raft.NewHTTPPeer(u)
       		if err != nil {
       		return p
       	peersAddr := []string{
       	var ss []*raft.Server
       	for _, addr := range peersAddr {
       		hash := fnv.New64()
       		id := hash.Sum64()
       		s := raft.NewServer(id, &bytes.Buffer{}, a)
       		mux := http.NewServeMux()
       		raft.HTTPTransport(mux, s)
       		go func(addr string) {
       			if err := http.ListenAndServe(addr, mux); err != nil {
       		ss = append(ss, s)
       	for _, s := range ss {

       	for {
       		cmd := []byte(time.Now().String())
       		cmdChan := make(chan []byte)
       		go ss[0].Command(cmd, cmdChan)
       		time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)



» go run raft-server.go 2>/dev/null     
1, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:13.668460404 +0800 CST
1, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:13.668460404 +0800 CST
1, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:13.668460404 +0800 CST
1, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:13.668460404 +0800 CST
1, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:13.668460404 +0800 CST
2, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:14.169165702 +0800 CST
2, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:14.169165702 +0800 CST
2, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:14.169165702 +0800 CST
2, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:14.169165702 +0800 CST
2, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:14.169165702 +0800 CST
3, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:14.670873193 +0800 CST
3, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:14.670873193 +0800 CST
3, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:14.670873193 +0800 CST
3, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:14.670873193 +0800 CST
3, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:14.670873193 +0800 CST
4, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:15.171741805 +0800 CST
4, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:15.171741805 +0800 CST
4, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:15.171741805 +0800 CST
4, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:15.171741805 +0800 CST
4, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:15.171741805 +0800 CST
5, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:15.673498401 +0800 CST
5, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:15.673498401 +0800 CST
5, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:15.673498401 +0800 CST
5, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:15.673498401 +0800 CST
5, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:15.673498401 +0800 CST
6, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:16.175658603 +0800 CST
6, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:16.175658603 +0800 CST
6, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:16.175658603 +0800 CST
6, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:16.175658603 +0800 CST
6, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:16.175658603 +0800 CST
7, apply function: 2017-09-11 11:41:16.677758823 +0800 CST